Team working on sentiment analysis.

What is sentiment analysis and how does it influence your app strategy

Sentiment analysis is a smart way to know what the users think about your app and, with this information, you can improve user experience. But how to measure this and apply the results in your app strategy?

The opinion of the user is one of the only ways to check what your app’s missing. Sometimes apps receive feedback and it’s hard to gauge if it is positive, negative or neutral. That’s why  sentiment analysis is so important.

How calculate it?

Every comment that the app receives is analyzed into positive, negative and neutral. More than that, this metric is rated between 0 to 100 to understand feedback.

So the sentiment is discovered by calculating this rating in a certain chosen time and then finding the average. You can collect it through Apple Store and Google Play Store too. Another thing to remember is localization.

Even that your app is localized for more than one country/nationality, you can find the average per localization and not all of them together.

But basically it uses a smart mechanism that can realize if the user is angry with something or is using positive words. It’s important to remember that it analyzes comment per comment, that’s why it is much more personalized than others.

How to use it in your favour?

People working on sentiment analysis.

Investing in sentiment analysis and opinion mining is a strategy to understand the main issues of the app and still predict some problem, like a negative impression because of an update, will give you the chance to correct it before people uninstall the app.

The importance to monitor what users are saying about the app helps you identify problems and resolve them. For example, if you see that the rating is low and your app receives too many bad reviews, it’s time to understand what is happening.

Maybe the users complains are different and necessity arises to meet the needs of the person individually to not lose the client.

We know that it’s harder to identify when an user is not satisfied with something because we can’t talk  face to face. It’s complex but at the same time possible to demystify. That’s why the rating has to be very objective, to avoid mistakes.

For example, if some word is used in a sarcastic way, it can possibly be interpreted like a positive review, but it’s not the reality. The luck is that the algorithm is very faithful.

Many apps use sentiment analysis, but not just them. Twitter, for example, use it inside their app to analyze all the tweets made about some topic, to know if people are supporting the cause or not.

So if even the tweets are separated by positive and negative comments, why your app is still waiting to invest on it and understand the behavior of the users? There are so many different kinds of app reviews that sometimes it is harder to control everything.

But don’t forget to keep your App Store Optimization updated, because this process collaborate with your app performance, mainly when we talk about ratings and reviews, which is exactly what sentiment analysis does

It’s very important use this kind of technology to increase the satisfaction of the users. If an app has just positive reviews because you worked to be like this, the download rate will increase and your app’s success too.

More than that, you will stimulate  retention, because the users will see that you correctly identified problems and reached resolution.

If you feel that you need help in this process, RankMyApp has an professional team to help you! Try to talk with one of our app marketing specialists!

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