Retail marketing: how to use mobile trends in strategy

Retail marketing demands innovation. In a challenging scenario, with constant changes in the way consumers buy, discover brands and become loyal to a specific company or product, marketing has a strategic role in bringing quick solutions to new consumer demands.

Nevertheless, what does retail marketing have to do with the mobile market? About this, emerges the increasing use of delivery when shopping, as well as resources for integrating physical stores with online ones, such as omnichannel, chatbot service and virtual assistants.

What is retail marketing and digital retail

Retail marketing works on different fronts in order to increase sales, retain customers and increase brand recognition in the market. Thus, retail stocks seek to promote, advertise and sell products through offline and online channels.

Among the offline possibilities are billboards, guerrilla marketing actions, tastings and door-to-door sales. On the other hand, in digital retail, the big difference is to deliver a quality product, with safe purchase and fast delivery. Here, apps for stores and supermarkets, for example, have a great advantage compared to e-commerce.

This is because, in many cases, it offers exclusive free shipping for the app, easier purchase, thanks to the prior storage of payment data, and personalized offers, according to the last items bought by the customer. In addition, push notifications of promotions of the day and lists of selected products featured on the app home encourage the purchase directly.

Importance of mobile marketing and reasons to invest

Now that you know what is retail marketing, check out the main differentials of business that invest in online communication and selling down below.

  1. Closer relationship with the customer; after all, your company will be in a space for personal use, as is the cell phone;
  2. Possibility to perform A/B tests seeking to increase the conversion of app users into sales;
  3. Development of the path-to-purchase through the m-commerce funnel;
  4. Production of optimized content, according to the search interests of users, increasing the chances of your product to be seen;
  5. Improvement of the relationship with the customer, providing answers to product reviews or the shopping experience;
  6. Improvement of the product or service by following the comments and ratings provided by users.

Retail trends to keep an eye on

The data below, produced from the current retail scenario, indicate sectors with growth potential when investing in online as a sales pillar, as well as opportunities to attract new customers and retain current ones by analyzing consumer behavior.

Popularity of online shopping

According to data from Google Trends and Trends E-commerce in Brazil, the search for terms such as “shopping online” and “online store” has increased. The same happened with apps that offer these services. The information is contained in the report Impacto Covid-19 no mercado mobile, produced by RankMyAPP in Brazil.

Increased of e-commerce apps downloads

According to RankMyAPP’s Mobile Intelligence, between February and March 2020, the download of this type of app grew by 11%. From January to February, the growth was only 3%, which shows the rising trend.

Most viewed and downloaded apps

The apps of the categories fitness, e-commerce, finance, streaming, and delivery recorded together more than 32 million views and 9 million downloads in March 2020, demonstrating a growth of the sectors within the digital retail.

To check out more trends of this universe, read the report Dados Estratégicos e Insights sobre Apps de E-commerce, from the point of view of organic marketing campaigns, media, and reviews, produced by RankMyAPP’s intelligence in Brazil.

How to make the app an ally of retail marketing

While retail marketing is developed in physical spaces and different acquisition channels, it is necessary to create a strategy focused on the e-commerce app. Therefore, counting on specialists in mobile marketing is essential.

RankMyAPP is the first Brazilian company 100% focused on mobile intelligence and performance, being a global reference on this subject. Follow our newsletter and stay on top of all the news of the mobile market!

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