It’s a fact that Instagram is one of the most used social media channels these days that influences a lot of people’s lifestyle. But how to promote your app in such places not directly related with app stores? Simple, with paid Instagram posts!
Don’t think that you’ll spend a lot of money and it will not be worth for your app. We have some tips that will make your app have more downloads because of paid posts. It’s a good strategy to call attention of new users.
How Instagram and apps work together?
In the old days Instagram didn’t allow ads in their system, making this social media channel much more personal. But with the popularity, including famous people opening up about their lives, the access just grows and it was a great opportunity to Instagram make more money.
The best part of it is that paid posts always appear to be organic. How many times did you pass for some sponsored photo and didn’t wait to think that you’re not following that, in reality but apparently?
This kind of strategy is natural, some users don’t even notice that the post was paid. And it’s nice, because imagine a situation, where you search something on Google, sponsored links appears first. But people click on the second or third because it’s organic.
What are the best practices?
Even that the publications appears to be organic to the users, it’s necessary to adopt some strategies to capture the attention of the user and not just be there for to be passed over without so much as a glance. Actually this is a very important topic. Instagram is fast! But let’s start in the beginning:
Call attention naturally
Even that Instagram “forces” the user look for all the posts, people sometimes are not patient and pass through things that could be important, but it’s gone. So try to make the user want to see your photo or video.
Be visual
It’s very important that the user understands what message you want to pass just with one image, without needing to read some text. Don’t look like a sponsored publication and be creative with the elements to impress the user.
Another good strategy for study your target is to direct your publication to them. If you create some for everybody, probably it will not attract people. Think about what is important for your public and how you can explore this side.
Be present
One of the mistakes that developers commit is post the paid post and forget it there. Be open to answer all questions that could appear about your app and stay connected to see the performance of the publication.
If you don’t even answer a doubt from an user on social media, would you think that people will download the app knowing that maybe they will not have support when it’s necessary? Well, probably they don’t.
For who thought that Call To Action would be just present in text or when optimizing apps with ASO, we do have one more element! It’s truly important give a sign to the user that he can click on there and download the app.
It’s more practical to include a command like “install now”, because the user doesn’t need to go to the app store and look for your app. There is an appropriate tab that you can add in the post and choose the most interesting phrase to sell the app.
What did you think about this investment? The good news is that is not expensive to invest in this kind of announcing and it’s a good way to catch new users in different perspectives.
So if you get interested about using Instagram ads increase the downloads of your app and have more visibility, what do you think about subscribing to our newsletter and be well-informed all the time regarding mobile marketing?