Illustrative art shows a pensive woman, referring to creating an app

How to choose the ideal ASO app title when creating an app?

So many applications with such diverse segments available in the market, standing out from the crowd is extremely important when it comes to creating an app. Choosing the right title for your application will help you achieve this goal.

With a multitude of applications spanning various segments saturating the market, distinguishing your app is imperative. In this competitive landscape, the app title serves as the initial point of contact with potential users. Choosing the right title not only reflects your brand identity but also significantly impacts your app’s visibility and success. As such, it’s crucial to craft a title that not only resonates with your audience but also optimizes your app for enhanced discoverability.”

In addition to embodying your brand and resonating with users, the app title plays a pivotal role in ASO (App Store Optimization). A well-chosen title can boost your app’s ranking in search results, increasing its visibility and attracting more downloads. In this article, we’ll delve into strategies for selecting an app title that not only captivates your audience but also maximizes your app’s potential in the competitive app market.

The app title serves as the initial point of contact with potential users

Why is the app title important to ASO?

For ASO, choosing keywords that will benefit your application at the time of the search is very important. Taking advantage of this feature in your title can position your app up in the search ranking.

Since keywords are one of the crucial elements for increased app visibility, selecting the most relevant terms to constitute the name can yield more relevance, and, even better, in an organic way.

Moreover, the app title serves as a crucial factor in shaping users’ first impressions of your app. It acts as a primary identifier and communicates the essence of your app to potential users browsing through app stores. A well-crafted title can pique users’ interest, instill confidence, and compel them to explore further. Therefore, investing time and effort into selecting an optimized app title is essential for maximizing your app’s visibility, attracting quality users, and ultimately driving success in the competitive app market.

Investing time and effort into selecting an optimized app title is essential for maximizing your app’s visibility, attracting quality users, and ultimately driving success in the competitive app market.

How to choose the ideal app title for the application?

When it comes to choosing the ideal app title for your application, standing out from the competition is crucial. With countless apps available in the market, crafting a unique and memorable title can seem like a daunting task. However, by conducting thorough research and analysis, you can identify key aspects of your app’s service or functionality that set it apart from others. Consider what makes your app unique and how you can effectively convey its value proposition in a succinct and authentic manner.

Start by brainstorming keywords and phrases that accurately describe your app’s features, benefits, and target audience. Think about the problems your app solves or the needs it fulfills. These insights will help you generate ideas for potential titles that capture the essence of your app while also resonating with users.

Once you have a list of potential titles, evaluate each one based on its relevance, memorability, and marketability. Consider how well each title reflects your brand identity and aligns with your app’s overall theme and mission. Additionally, assess the availability of domain names and social media handles associated with each title to ensure consistency across all platforms.

Furthermore, it’s essential to consider the cultural and linguistic nuances of your target audience. A title that may be catchy or meaningful in one language or region could have a completely different connotation in another. Conducting market research and seeking feedback from native speakers can help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that your app title resonates positively with your target audience.

The app title of your application needs to be different to achieve the desired distinction


In the application development, the length of the name needs to be restrained. On Apple Store, you are allowed a name of up to 30 characters whereas in Google Play, it goes up to 50 characters.

The use of long words can hinder consumer recall and search. Considering this insight, it is ideal is to use short terms, composed of around three syllables.


As covered beforehand on the importance of the name for ASO, keywords are critical to the relevance of the application and when composing its name since they can leverage it at the time of the search.

When the user searches for some application or functionality on an app store, he or she will probably use short, objective sentences. Therefore, it is interesting to select keywords that fit this “pattern” and could be embedded in the name of your app.


In addition to keywords, another way to gain relevance on app stores is to choose terms that are easy to pronounce and pleasant to listen to, because the likelihood of a user recommending your app due to one of these features is much higher.

Another way to gain relevance on app stores is to choose terms that are easy to pronounce and pleasant to listen to


Competition within the app stores market is quite fierce, so try to stand out from the competitors with names that do not fall into a consensus but at the same time deliver the message of what service is being offered to the consumer.


App names that do not allow the translation of what is being provided are harder to convert into downloads. The user will rarely click on a random name to learn more it but rather look for some other app that already shows its functionality on the name.

Illustrative art shows a table surrounded by people discussing, referring to creating an app
It is important to keep in touch with the audience and to do a market survey on your app

How to evaluate if the optimized app title fits?

The best way to monitor and evaluate whether your chosen name is a success on app stores is to get to know your audience. It makes it easier to manage the number of downloads and views your app received.

It is important to keep in touch with the audience and to do a market survey on your app to check if the chosen keyword for the name is succeeding.

Therefore, with the defined ideals of the application and services, choosing a name through keyword optimization and usability becomes much easier and will potentially put your app in evidence on app stores.

Do you want to know more about how App Store Optimization can help your app grow organically? Go for an individual customized review with RankMyApp, an expert in app optimization.

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