Illustrative art refers to mobile user acquisition.

A step-by-step guide to organic mobile User Acquisition

One of the greatest challenges for apps is consistent mobile user acquisition, mostly in an organic way. Due to the huge catalog available in app stores, sometimes it is very hard for users to find the ideal app for their needs.

The good news is there are some options of user acquisition strategy which can help your app to have a good performance in the app stores and get more conversions. Check out our step-by-step guide if you want to improve your organic mobile user acquisition!

Strategies well design will impact users acquisition and brand equity.


The first step to conquer users is to choose the right category for your app. This is the main information users look for when they need a specific app, thus it is very useful to increase your mobile user acquisition.

Here, you can opt for two main possibilities: you can either invest in a competitive category that your app fits in all the aspects, or you can find another one that is not so ambitious but gives you more chances to be found.


You probably already know about App Store Optimization (ASO), right? The process involves choosing the right keywords to make your app be found easily on app stores. It is possible to optimize a lot of elements of the app, such as title, description, icon, videos, screenshots, photos, and others.

However, the most important user acquisition strategy for apps to gain visibility is choosing the best keyword: the one that fits with the purpose of your app. There are keywords that have too much competition. If you write “photo” in the search of the app stores, for example, millions of apps will appear as a result.

A better mobile customer acquisition strategy is to go for long-tail keywords. If the app is about photos, you can try something like “special effects for photos” to have more chances to be found.

This was just a banal example. It can be hard to optimize the app and study what is the best keyword. So, if you are having trouble with this part of the process, it may be better to ask a professional specialized in the subject to work with you.


Your competitors will say a lot about what is mobile user acquisition. Here, your task is to analyze it as a part of the process of app optimization. Think about what the competition is doing that is different compared to other apps: what kind of strategy do they use to get more mobile user acquisition?

You have to ask it every day because your strategy can change according to what the competition is doing. It is all about that quote which says: “keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer”.

Brainstorming and priorities

Illustrative art refers to mobile user acquisition.

Even if you are already putting the tips above in practice, there is so much more to do to get user acquisition in an organic way. The best thing is to put everything that you desire in a paper and think about what you aspire for your app to be: list priorities and things that have to be done.

This analysis will help you see where it is important to invest time and money now and what it is possible to improve with experience. Anyway, our advice is to focus on app acquisition, because this triggers other goals.

When your app is doing ok in this aspect, consequently it will get more visibility and will be in the top ranking of the app stores. More than that, it will have more downloads and conversions.

After reading this article, if you are still in doubt about how ASO works and how it can change the performance of your app, RankMyApp has the complete e-book to help you! There, we will explain all about it to you in detail. Do not miss the chance to check it out right now!

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