Why you need to start application analytics

If you’ve overlooked application analytics it’s time to incorporate this important step into your marketing planning. Why? Because app metrics can show you what strategies need to be changed.

Why is application analytics important?

If you really want to know how well your app is doing, take a look at its key performance indicators, also known as KPIs.

KPI analysis gives you an idea of how users are interacting with your app and what is driving them to download it. This information tells you what is working, what isn’t, and when it’s time to change strategies.

In addition to analyzing your own app’s performance, you should also conduct competitor analysis to keep track of how your app compares to the competition.

But there are many different KPIs you could look at. Do you know which of them matter most to you? Do you understand what each one really means?

This article will look at some of the most important app metrics, explain what they mean, how to find them, and how to improve them.

What are the most important KPIs for apps?

Here are some key metrics you definitely want to track.

Downloads and Installs

What is it: The number of times your app has been installed.

How to find it: Google Analytics can help you track how many installs your app is getting.

How to improve it: Make your app easier to find by using ASO to increase your app’s rank in the app store. Paid user acquisition strategies should be used in combination with ASO.

Active Users

What it is: These are users who use your app on a regular basis. There are Daily Active Users (DAU) and Monthly Active Users (MAU), and both should be analyzed.

How to find it: Google Analytics can help you find these numbers.

How to improve it: Encourage users to keep coming back to your app after they download it.

  • Push notifications can be a very useful strategy for increasing app engagement.
  • You can also look at user reviews to find out how users like your app. Based on their feedback, work on improving your app so that it provides a better user experience.
  • Offering rewards is another great way to entice users and keep them engaged with your app.

Retention Rate

What is it: How many users keep coming back to your app after a certain time period.

How to find it: Take the total amount of users retained at the end of a certain time period and divide it by the total number of users your app had at the start of that same time period, then multiply the sum by 100 to get the retention rate.

How to improve it: See the tips on how to increase Active Users.

Churn Rate

What is it: How many users were lost after a certain amount of time.

How to find it: First, add the number of users you had already acquired at the start of a certain time period to the amount of users you acquired during that same time period. Then divide the number of users that were lost at the end of that time period by the sum you found in the previous step.

How to improve it: You want to give your users a reason to keep coming back. For some ideas on how to accomplish that, see the tips on how to increase Active Users

This was really only a basic overview of application analytics. But what you learned about app metrics in this article should give you a great start.

There is so much to learn if you want your app to succeed. Get our free eBook, ASO’s Ultimate Guide, to start increasing your app’s visibility and acquiring more users.

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